urmatoarea lucrarea nici nu s-a licitat, nu a contat pentru niciun colectionar. marile oferte s-au pastrat pentru cele care urmau!
perla licitatiei:
VASILY VASILIEVICH VERESCHAGIN, 1842-1904, THE TAJ MAHAL, EVENING, stamped with Vereschagin Exhibition American Art Association stamp on the reverse , oil on canvas, 46.5 by 61cm. estimare 250.000 - 400.000 lire, adjudecat 2.281.250 lire
VASILY VASILIEVICH VERESCHAGIN, 1842-1904, SUNSET IN THE HIMALAYAS, inscribed with the artist's name, titled Gimalai in Cyrillic and dated 1879 on the reverse, oil on canvas , image size: 39 by 26.5cm. de la 60.000 la 337.250 lire
plus o alta lucrare intens licitata:
NICOLAS TARKHOFF, 1871-1930, STREETᅠCARNIVAL, PARIS, signed in Latin l.l.; further signed, titled Carnaval and numbered 42 on the reverse , oil on canvas, 100 by 81cm.
de la 35.000 la 169.250 lire

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